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  • Writer's pictureNick Clarizio

What's Cookin'? (Menu #1)

Updated: Aug 30, 2023

Hi Friends :). My name is Nick and this post is my foray into blogging. A brief background on me and my interest. I graduated from ND in 2023 (a week ago) with a degree in anthropology. "What's that?" You may be asking. Frankly, I'm never too sure. Here's how I like to describe it, though. Anthropology is the practice of taking a certain topic or theme and using it as a framework/lens for perceiving and analyzing human behavior at a small-group scale. For me, that means investigating the intersection between identity, migration, and food practices! Basically, all my research and questions boil down to: "What can we know about people - migrants in particular - through their food practices"? I kinda explore this in myself too, as I love to eat and cook. Since I generally do best taking smalls steps in life, I'm making my first blog post something straightforward. I already cook dinners for my family each night, so I figured I would sure those with you all. I'll use canva to make an honest (and aesthetically-pleasing) weekly menu of the dinner meals I make and eat. Depending on my energy in a given week, I'll add reviews or descriptions or background info on the dishes or my inspiration. That's a lot to bite off, though, so have patience with me if these things aren't included until later iterations. As with all things in life, this is a work in progress. Without further ado, I unveil to you the menu of Chez Nico for the week of May 22, 2023.

P.s. Don't think I cook like this for lunch, too ---I typically eat leftovers then.

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